Weekly Design Recap 15

Last Saturday I had a few friends —yes, new friends– come over for a little pool party; I didn’t know French neighbours were so particularly picky and fucking annoying. Particularly, I wanted to strangle one little obnoxious man with his own guts. Still had a good time, however and I’m glad they visited. One week after the surgery, I’m feeling a lot better.
Things I’m working on
Radiographista has reached a milestone; not in the sense of getting a massive following —although the blog almost has 3K subs by now— but because of a promotional deal I got through it. Allworth Press in New York City approached me offering a book called Becoming a Design Entrepreneur by Steven Heller, and after getting my copy I asked for an interview. Little did I know I’d get it, I wouldn’t be aware of who I was really going to be talking to until then. The guy’s career encompasses almost 200 books and 30 years as art director for The New York Times Book Review.
Hours prior to the video call, I had pre-interview jitters and was sweating profusely but I was clearly overreacting; Mr Heller was phenomenally down to earth and answered to my questions candidly and generously. I was deeply thankful for his time and I will publish the interview next week.[/text-with-icon][text-with-icon icon_type=”font_icon” icon=”icon-heart” color=”Accent-Color”]
Things I’ve enjoyed
Three attempts later, I finally succumbed to Game of Thrones. I’m not so keen on the excessive sexism, graphic violence and most characters annoy me but the story is interesting and the first three seasons are free with my cable service; I honestly couldn’t bother downloading them.
On the other hand, thanks to Amazon Prime I got access to American Gods in glorious 4K. The intro sequence is so good, it’s the only one I never skip. I get goosebumps every time.
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Things I’m struggling with
The heat, which attracts mosquitos; both keep me up late at night and it’s either leaving the window open and soaking in mosquito repellent —to which I’m allergic— or keeping the window closed and baking alive. Mosquito nets and AC should be among basic human needs.[/text-with-icon][text-with-icon icon_type=”font_icon” icon=”icon-book” color=”Accent-Color”]
Things I’ve learnt
Once you see this video you can’t unsee it nor the fractals it describes. Not thanks to his cheesy theatricals but because the facts and conclusions make so much sense; you will see it everywhere: in plants, stones, mountains, even your own body. It’s the kind of knowledge that has no common practical use but just leaves you in awe. I love it.
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Things I’m listening to
I may be shit at doing them, but I love accents and the little subtleties that go into them, and how much they can tell about the history and evolution of a language. I ran into the Twenty Thousand Hertz podcast thanks to a Vox video and I subscribed immediately after finding this episode.