Weekly Design Recap 23

I won’t bitch about how fleeting this summer has been because I have plenty of things to do before I head for Barcelona. Instead I’ll tell you that Disney called me in for an interview next month in Strasbourg but that’s exactly in the week when I’ll be in Spain. Such luck.
Things I’m working on
The flag for La Peninsular is in a bit of a break and I’m currently working on defining the colour palette, to make it less pastel-y and more vibrant. A new catch-up meeting should happen soon.
I finally got the Naturalia signs printed and they look pretty. The store sent me a photo and it’s all I have right now but next week I’ll pay a visit and take photos myself so I can add them to the portfolio.

Naturalia Rotterdam, Strasbourg
Also, my business cards came in! I am in love with Moo’s customer service and how beautiful they look. Ordered a 100 and I believe I’ll be very picky when it comes to whom am I going to give them to.
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Things I’ve enjoyed
The fourth season of Bojack Horseman came in strong and it’s interesting how the most not necessarily relevant but poignant shows nowadays are animated; not that South Park hasn’t evolved favourably or that The Simpsons aren’t doing great stuff after 25 years, but Bojack along Rick & Morty and Steven’s Universe are deep, funny, philosophical and relatable.
I found a Wii in mint-condition for 35 € —a steal— since I got all these games for it but no way of playing them; for the last five days I’ve been downloading homebrew and playing the shit out of Metroid Prime Trilogy and Wii Sports, without neglecting my Switch too much. It’s been a reminder of how badly game interfaces have aged and that’s particularly true with old Gamecube games.[/text-with-icon][text-with-icon icon_type=”font_icon” icon=”icon-remove” color=”Accent-Color”]
Things I’m struggling with
A sudden cold that made my throat and joints aching. Also, it’s too early to be wearing coats and scarves. Short summers are the worst.[/text-with-icon][text-with-icon icon_type=”font_icon” icon=”icon-book” color=”Accent-Color”]
Things I’ve learnt
The current storm season is not over yet and the numbers thrown by hurricanes Harvey and Irma are hard to fathom. I doubt one can easily imagine the amount of water that was dropped in Houston and even as a hurricane veteran myself I can’t quite picture it. One of my regular Youtube channels, It’s Okay to Be Smart helped in the matter I can’t not share this.
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Things I’m listening to
One of the things that stay with me as a video game fan is the music that plays along the experience, and I develop strong emotional links to the stories and games I spend hours and hours with. One of the games that has impacted me the most is Journey, in a big part thanks to the soundtrack by Austin Wintory. There’s a new title with music by the same author and I haven’t played it yet as it is on Playstation, but I should have listened to it before because it’s absolutely glorious.