Weekly Design Recap #9

It’s been super steamy here and it already feels like summer. Which means lots of time at the pool or in front of a fan or nice meals by the terrace. I brought back the weekly design recap to Friday because tomorrow (3 June 2017, that is) I am going to Paris for the first time and I have high hopes for it; I wouldn’t have time to update it while I’m there and what kind of person would I be if I didn’t?
Things I’m working on
The new Mexico City identity is coming along, albeit slowly. The idea with it is to take the legend of its foundation —eagle eating a snake on a stone in the middle of a lake— and distill it to its foundation. The icon set is to represent the ministries and the city government dependencies, as chinampas or small man-made islands in the middle of the original Texcoco lake. This is still a work in progress and there are several adjustments to be made, but I’m really with where this is going.
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Things I’ve enjoyed
- For the last four years I’ve been anticipating the new House of Cards season and this time around it took almost three more months than usual to get here. Now, I’m almost done with it and although the intrigue and tension are there, I don’t really know what drives the main characters. I’m still rooting for the devil here but it seems I’m not the only one that thinks the same. Also, I don’t know whether the show would make it to a seventh season.
- I’m almost done with the main quest on Breath of the Wild and there’s still so many other things to do; the problem is that I find it difficult to make a choice and I stick to what I know. It’s the same feeling when I’m in New York or Mexico City; too many choices stress me out and I feel paralyzed. But overall, this has been such a fulfilling experience, I cannot wait for the DLC coming up this summer and during the holiday season. Also, I’m scared shitless of Lynes and I haven’t managed to beat one.
Things I’m struggling with
I’m barely out of my knee-related problems and now I got myself an eye infection; it is partly related to me not wearing protective glasses while cycling and using my face as wind and insect shield. But yay for French healthcare.[/text-with-icon][text-with-icon icon_type=”font_icon” icon=”icon-book” color=”Accent-Color”]
Things I’ve learned
- I got a grain sprouting tray —or whatever it is called in English— and oh, is it fresh. Part of me feels guilty of eating my own, chlorophile ridden little babies but they taste fantastic and are a great complement to my salad-making. I’m also growing tamarind seeds and I read about how to make a bonsai out of it.
It’s like a mini jungle!
- Thanks to a tip, I found a place that cuts your hair for only 10€ —not even in Canada is it this cheap— and I could barely understand a word the Turkish guy said to me through his thick accent but holy shit, he’s a machine. Not ten minutes after I had taken a seat I was leaving with a perfect cut and just like I requested. I’m never going to a salon again.
Things I’m listening to
Rachel Maddow has been sick for almost a week now and I’m not getting my usual political analysis summary in time, because her understudies are hosting the show and I’m sorry but they don’t make it that compelling. She was cool in House of Cards, though. Get well soon, Rachel![/text-with-icon]