Weekly Design Recap 18

Is this how living in the Cold War, with a constant fear of nuclear war felt like? Terms like mutually assured destruction —quite the psychological and philosophical exercise— nuclear shelter, shockwave, nuclear fallout are becoming r In the current state of the world, it’s hard not to focus on the negative and the news don’t really help, although I’d rather be aware of reality than to live in denial. Even with such a foreboding introduction, I otherwise had a good week.
Things I’m working on
My application to join the Alliance Graphique Internationale is finished and now it’s up to my main sponsor, Mexican designer Gabriela Rodríguez, to write a recommendation letter of sorts. The results are due in September or early October.
A group of Mexican expats in Europe contacted me to create a flag for La Peninsular, a social movement that wants to represent the Baja California Peninsula in Western Mexico. Creatively it’ll be more allowing than the flags I originally created for both states with my Rediseño México project, but it’s great since they’re actually contemplating to produce and distribute the flag.[/text-with-icon][text-with-icon icon_type=”font_icon” icon=”icon-heart” color=”Accent-Color”]
Things I’ve enjoyed
Allworth Press has been in touch with my Radiographista blog for a while and they’ve been super nice, providing me with a book by and an interview with Steven Heller; this week I got another one by him, Graphic Design Rants and Raves, which is a collection of essays and blog entries on design and its consequences that he has written throughout the years, and I believe it’ll help me not only with my work as a designer but in the way I approach curating for my blog.[/text-with-icon][text-with-icon icon_type=”font_icon” icon=”icon-remove” color=”Accent-Color”]
Things I’m struggling with
The fact that I had adapted to not having Mexican food doesn’t mean I don’t miss it dearly. 1.50 € for two jalapeño peppers, however, is rather insulting, especially as they are so tiny and when I have to go to Germany to buy them since they’re too spicy for the sensitive French palates. Ugh.
Facing criticism is one of the activities I’m the best at avoiding and Twitter-peer pressure made me sign up for Sarahah, which is the latest anonymous messaging app out there; in my case, it’s the third I’ve fallen for. It may prove a worthwhile exercise, just don’t tell me uncomfortable truths because my tiny mind can’t handle them. If you must, drop a line.[/text-with-icon][text-with-icon icon_type=”font_icon” icon=”icon-book” color=”Accent-Color”]
Things I’ve learnt
I haven’t been super disciplined with my Duolingo German course, but it has attenuated my eyes and ears to words and constructs that somehow make sense, despite my inability to communicate in the language. I won’t go into details, but I find that using etymologic and pneumonic shortcuts helps me learning; they did so with Italian and now with German and it has several similarities with English that make practising a lot easier.[/text-with-icon][text-with-icon icon_type=”font_icon” icon=”icon-headphones” color=”Accent-Color”]
Things I’m listening to
Moonshot was quite the pleasant surprise; it is also a show with lots of insights into some of humanities bigger undertakings explained by guests with ambitious goals all while keeping both feet on the ground. A great podcast to daydream, realistically if that makes sense.
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Tweet of the week
So black people nonviolently protesting on the sidewalk warrants riot gear but white people with torches doesn’t? #Charlottesville 🤔
— Sherry Nelson (@sharingjoy91) August 12, 2017