Weekly Design Recap 11

This last week hasn’t been that eventful. Maybe I haven’t been up to much since I don’t feel like it while the heat seems to slow down things around me. Strasbourg is nothing like Montréal when it comes to winter length or intensity but still, it has taken a while for it to become warm instead of just a few spells over 25ºC. Anyhow, here’s my report.
Things I’m working on
- Last Thursday, it has been 500 days of uninterrupted updates to Radiographista, which considering my track record is quite the milestone and that makes me really happy.
- I haven’t forgotten about Limpio! I finally made some time to pay a visit to the Chamber of Commerce and now, the next step is to go to an accounting organism that would assist me to decide what’s the best fiscal regime to get in. Then there’s more paperwork to fill up with the chamber before I even start operations and this is so convoluted I’m almost giving up but I’m not there yet.
Things I’ve enjoyed
It took me a week to finish season 5 of Orange is The New Black and honestly I fail to see how they’re going to make the show live beyond this last episode. Wish there were public numbers on how many people watch it, but my guess is that it’s among the top Netflix shows. I was happy though to see that one character had what they deserved and, by the way, am I the only one that cannot stand Regina Spektor’s song? I get the point of the visuals but I loathe the intro and skip it the moment it plays.[/text-with-icon][text-with-icon icon_type=”font_icon” icon=”icon-remove” color=”Accent-Color”]
Things I’m struggling with
Managing my time; whether it’s a doctor’s appointment, a personal commitment or grocery shopping, if something gets in my way I simply postpone the things I should do to advance my projects further if only a little. My blogging is pretty much imbedded on my daily routine but it’s been weeks since I last worked on Illustrator or InDesign for more than an hour —and let’s not talk about my long pending hardware review. According to this guy, a good social media detox could help a lot in the matter, but I would still have to deal with my daily design blog updates, which depend on social media to get around.[/text-with-icon][text-with-icon icon_type=”font_icon” icon=”icon-book” color=”Accent-Color”]
Things I’ve learned
So it seems we’re older as a species than we originally thought, after the discovery and dating of human remains found in Morocco; 300,000 years older at that. Yay science!
[/text-with-icon][text-with-icon icon_type=”font_icon” icon=”icon-headphones” color=”Accent-Color”]Things I’m listening to
GastroPod finally released a new episode, this time on food fraud —a rather unnerving but interesting subject— and as a nerd and a foodie I cannot recommend it enough. My fave episode of theirs is one in which they talk about meat consumption and the different viewpoints around the subject. It pretty much settled the debate for me.[/text-with-icon]